Impressive paintings recreated by everyday people, a crash course to common UI layouts with grids, what sets great designers apart and more!
Key business concepts explained to designers, Digital Design Days goes online and free!, 10 virtual museum tours and more.
Behind the scenes for the making of Jam3's WebGL site, alternatives to dark UX patterns, inspiration for game UIs and more!
10 undoubted practices for better UI design, creating a sticky image effect in Three.js, a reality check on becoming a senior designer and more!
Great design documentaries made free while you're home, tips for acing video interviews, the Indoor Badge collab. and an open call for terrible logos.
Incredibly bad logos you won't be able to unsee, InVision's gift to new remote teams, an open brief by the UN, Stay Sane/ Stay Safe and more!
Reimagined album covers with a self distancing twist, 10 creative projects to flex your creativity at home, better UI design implementations and more.
Impressively bad work-from-home stories, Slack and Dribbble's redesigns, remote work opportunities for creatives and non-creatives and more!
Services to facilitate remote work during the outbreak, automating tedious design tasks through scripts, React links for designers and more!
A great step by step redesign process, overcoming creative obstacles, handpicked Figma plugins, New York Times' best illustrations and more!