
How to Design a Museum | The Making of London’s new Design Museum
The Design Museum is back with a fresh new look, and a sexy new home. The new identity comes courtesy of Fernando Gutiérrez, Morag Myerscough, Cartlidge Levene, OK-RM and Hato, who basically just added 'the' to the logo went through a detailed and interesting process to arrive at the new look.
Check it out, and get down for the latest exhibition - Beazley Designs of the Year.
The Return of the Travel Poster | Airbnb Design
You may have seen that Airbnb recently redesigned their app again. Whether or not we like it, one thing we can all agree on is that the introduction of Travel Posters in the Airbnb interface is very very nice indeed. They all hark back to a time when travel was relaxing, stylish, and enjoyable; a time where getting on a plane with a cigar in one had and a martini in the other was applauded, not scolded. Take a look at how they chose this design direction, and some of the nicest examples here.
The New Tradition Collection | A new take on the Christmas Bauble
A bauble? That glittery thing that hangs from your tree every year? The one you have to pick through shards of to get the other decorations down from the loft? What if they were reimagined, and actually had a use?
What if the bauble gave you something beyond Christmas - for life? (and looked much better doing it)

Product Hunt + AngelList✌️😸
Product Hunt is joining forces with AngelList. Is the startup world starting to eat itself a little bit? Possibly… What will be interesting to witness is how the Product Hunt goal of giving startup founders and makers a place to launch and share their products will mesh with AngelList's mission of fostering fundraising and recruiting.
First Round State of Startups 2016
It's the end of the year, and First Round have released their 'State of Startups' yearly report. There's some interesting stats in there - for example; 20% of founders polled think they are 'raising a unicorn'… Yes, the report is very Silicon Valley, but its findings are valid none-the-less. Also the page is pretty and well designed, so check it out.

SVG Line Animation for the Uninitiated
How many websites have you visited - like this one or this one where as you were scrolling, or when the page loaded, a super detailed, pixel-perfect image simply drew itself before your very eyes? Witchcraft! We hear you cry! Well, sort of - SVG animation, and you can learn it too. You probably won't even be burned at the stake.

Command Line Youtube Downloader
This is super cool, and really useful if (like us) you find yourself having to navigate the murky world of Youtube download sites / applications. This simple extension to your command line can be installed very easily, has super extensive documentation, and is actually being regularly updated!
We're convinced, get downloading! Oh, and start with this one:
youtube-dl o0u4M6vppCI
This is a new wonderful publication from Inktrap, the Digital Design Studio for Startups. If you're receiving this, you signed up to our mailing list through another one of our products - probably our free flag set.
We hope you enjoy our weekly selection of interesting design articles, and the occasional piece of juicy startup news!
Oh, and hold on for future weeks, where we will be sending you our latest and greatest free goodies…
Minimum Viable Publication Team