Pick of The Week

UX Trends I Observed at Google as a Mobile UX Lead
Some are common sense, some are harder to figure out.
After partnering with over 150 web development teams over the past 2 years, this designer has gained a lot of insights into mobile UX.
The Best of The Rest

Mobbin - Latest Mobile Design Patterns
Over 150 iOS apps and 8,000 patterns!
Get inspiration from this hand-picked collection of the latest mobile design patterns from apps that reflect the best in design.
A Critical Analysis of the iOS 10 Lockscreen Experience
Death by a thousand swipes.
Swipe left from the lock screen to access the camera, get the perfect snap, then swipe right to go back to the lo--- wait, no, how do I get back to the lock screen???
When Motion Creates Emotion
Motion is usually added at the end of the product design process...
But what if we rethink the way we implement animation and use it as a foundation for our designs?
Marked with Thought #2
Logos can sometimes be too simple, or way too much.
Though when you see a perfect logo, you'll know it. This collection of design perfection is so good, you'll be jealous you didn't have the idea first.
One More Thing

iOS 12 GUI iOS Native
The recent update may have left your UI assets out of date.
So here's a great collection of new UI resources, including a full range of core elements and selected screens found in the public release of iOS 12.