Pick of The Week

The 8 Most Important UI Animations of All Time
When you think UI animation, you may think "flashy" and "decorative".
Some of the most important animations are so engrained into our everyday life that we barely even notice they're there anymore.
The Best of The Rest

Emulation Is Not a Product Strategy
YouTube Red becomes YouTube Premium.
With the quick appearance then disappearance of YouTube Red, we're left wondering what went wrong... It seems the Netflix angle didn't quite work for the lo-fi video platform.
I Used The Web For A Day Using A Screen Reader
As sighted devs and users, it's easy to forget about those without sight.
So one developer has tested first-hand the difficulties that visually impaired users face and describes what we can do to help.
Netflix Discovery Experience
There are so many shows and films to choose from on Netflix.
So imagine if Netflix actually knew what you wanted to watch and presented you with just a tiny collection to choose from? And, even better, if these suggestions changed based on when and where you were watching?!
Design Conferences Guide (UI, UX, UXR, PD)
Wanna go to a conference? Not sure where to go?
Check out this list of 180+ conferences with location, date and price to help you decide! Ideal for those looking to make a personal trip out of it as well.
One More Thing

Game of the Year
"Okay Google, what were the most searched things of 2018?"
Think you could answer this question yourself? Take the test with Google's Game of the Year and see how good your knowledge of Googling really is!