Pick of The Week

4 key trends in designing for privacy and data protection | Inside Design Blog
Creating more trustworthy experiences.
In a world where trust has become one of the biggest currencies as well as a concern, learn how designers can place privacy and transparency at the heart of our digital experiences.
The Best of The Rest

Always Ask Why Five Times – The Design Team
....Yeah, but why?!?
Explaining your design decision to clients can be tricky, but InVision's design lead Pablo Stanley reveals an interesting (and comical) way of approaching clients' curiosity in the design process.
How to get hired as a designer (according to 1000+ design leaders) | Inside Design Blog
Interview tips, from 1,500 pros.
Going through design interviews can be crazy frustrating, but some folks at InVision gathered some of the best advice from global design leaders on what they look for in candidates. (Make some notes✏️)
Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users
User testing, done right.
It can be tempting to test with as many users as possible, hoping you'll gather all the insights you need, but the Nielsen Norman Group reminds us what really matters when it comes to testing our designs with people.
Human error: an important ingredient in great designs
We all make mistakes...
But when we design products or experiences, we ought to consider silly, unpredictable human errors at all stages and design around them - as not everyone will ever use your product perfectly.
One More Thing

The complex front-end world, explained with illustrations.
Understanding development jargon and syntax is never easy, but these beautiful illustrations breakdown even the more complex, technical concepts and latest tools.