
Sketch Wins!!!
War of the tools! No. Not D. Trump vs. Piers Morgan...
Photoshop is dead! Long live Sketch! Yeah, so not quite dead... But in just one year, Sketch has overtaken PS to become the most used graphic design tool around. G'warn Sketch.

3 Key Uses for Animation in Mobile UI Design
Notifications, Loaders, and Navigation!
Okay those are the main three - but go and read this because it's got some great examples, and nice best practices for you to think about!

Great Alternatives to Hamburger Menus
Don't make life a chore for your users!
Choose a style of navigation befitting your content, and please please please, don't make them press every option to figure out what it does.

Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber
Perhaps everything isn't greener on the über side.
Especially not for females. Don't know about you, but my manager has never messaged me saying he's in an open relationship… Very disturbing.

Align SVG Icons to Text and Say Goodbye to Font Icons
We all like Fontawesome/Ionicons...
But what if they get their CDN taken down? What if users are changing the font on your website for accessibility issues? Suddenly your pretty icons look awful. Tl;dr - SVGs rock harder, use those.

Got one colour you really love, but haven't got a scheme?
Palx will give you a full spectrum of colour based on what you supply. Then you pick and choose to your heart's content.