Pick of The Week

Building an Interdisciplinary Team That Can Handle Any Project
Creating an environment where great ideas actually thrive.
While there are countless ways to keep teams productive and creative, striking that balance is much easier said than done, but CEO at Rapt Studio shares how they're fostering innovative teams, from day 1.
The Best of The Rest

Your design portfolio
Finally starting that damn portfolio.
Whether it's been a while since you've updated your portfolio or eager to make one to land your first design job, one of our awesome product designers shares some steps needed to create the best portfolio you can.
The “iconathon” that’s changing digital gender representation | Inside Design Blog
The journey to more diverse, inclusive iconography.
If you've ever used assets from The Noun Project, you'll be happy to hear the team behind it is on a mission far greater than providing nice icons for your design projects.
Superhuman's Secret Onboarding UX
A case study that won't bore you right away.
One of the best ways to improve your designs' UX is to learn from the pros, and once again, the folks at Growth.Design use their unconventional format to walk us through what makes Superhuman's onboarding memorable.
Buttsss: a case study | Inside Design Blog
A beautiful, "responsive butt system" for all your projects.
Trying to spice up your designs with unconventional illustrations? If so, you might want to check this extensive collection of carefully and beautifully crafted butts - courtesy of Pablo Stanley.
One More Thing

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Freelancing, made easier.
Need a new creative gig to sharpen your skills or to get that shiny new Mac? or need a creative genius for your next project? Lancerlist - Thank us later.