Pick of The Week

Building trust as a designer
Reciprocal trust, for better design.
Often overlooked, the quality of developing reciprocal trust with other designers, developers, clients and most importantly, users might just be how we create our best work.
The Best of The Rest

Leave the Tesla Cybertruck alone
Bringing back bold, unique design.
Tesla's new family addition has left the internet in shock over its low-poly, sci-fi aesthetic, but maybe that's a good thing for the car design industry...
Information architecture: Definition, tips, and best practices.
"Overpowering users' predictions"
Keeping content organised and easily accessible is often the first thing you need for users to fall in love with your product, but how do you get started?🤔 Read on.
Can you really convey luxury through digital product design?
Leveraging the power of digital, for luxury.
Great, quality [digital] products are everywhere, so what does it take to make one product more 'luxurious' in the crowded, digital landscape?
You don’t have to manage people to be a great leader, featuring Julie Zhuo
What it takes to be a real leader. [Podcast]
Becoming a manager doesn't always qualify one to be a true 'leader', and VP of Product Design at Facebook shares her journey and tips for earning true leadership qualities.
One More Thing

Designer Gift Guide 2019
Gifts they probably won't hate.
Need some Xmas gift ideas for that picky designer friend of yours, or simply want to treat yourself to something neat (and useful) this year? Get your wishlist ready.