Pick of The Week

How to Recover After Burnout
Knowing when to stop, and recharge.
From constant comparisons, overworking and unrealistic expectations, experts and creatives share how to recognise burnout symptoms and strategies for a healthy recovery.
The Best of The Rest

Annual Awards 2019 - Awwwards
Remarkable creators from 2019.
The Awwwards committee gives us a look as some of the most innovative and creative digital designers, studios and agencies that made headlines and probably left you in awe in 2019.

Uber’s redesigned app has an unlikely inspiration: Public transit
If you can't beat them, join them.
In an attempt to streamline how we use their app, Uber's design team reveals how they embraced visual inspiration from one of its biggest industry competitors.

Animating SVG Text on a Path
Make that text dance💃.
Web designer from Codrops give us a demo for implementing snazzy SVG text animations along paths in a real website. [Downloadable project included]

Starting a design system in a start-up
Creating design at scale, on the go.
Singapore-based product designer shares her (small) team's journey and handy tips in the creation of their start-up's design system, all started from scratch.
One More Thing

LottieFiles for After Effects
Animation for web and mobile, made easier.
This handy plugin allows you to take your After Effects animations and convert, test and publish them for both web and mobile, so your devs won't hate you when handing off complex animations 😊.