Pick of The Week
🧠Psychology of Design: 101 Cognitive Biases & Principles That Affect Your UX
Understanding how people think.
The duo at Growth.Design have blessed the community with a growing list of common cognitive biases experienced by users, along with design principles and case studies to get you up to scratch.
The Best of The Rest
Why Everyone Always Hates Redesigns, Even When They’re Good
The customer isn't always right.
Pulling your hair out as to why people hate your seemingly improved redesigns?? Maybe it's the bad design execution...or maybe, just maybe, it's actually on the users.
Talk: On Creativity with Claudio Guglieri, Independent Designer and Creative Director.
'Creativity can be trained'. [Video]
Feeling like your creativity is draining, or you don't have enough of it? Well, Creative Director, Claudio Guglieri, might help you see the whole 'creativity' thing from a different perspective, and how you can hone it.
PeeksTV – YouTube videos for Designers and Developers
Need something to watch?
Regardless of your level in the field, there's always a useful online community to help you learn new stuff, so here's a handy list of YouTube videos for you and your design/dev friends.
Jobs To Be Done: An Occasionally Useful UX Gimmick
Using gimmicks in design.
Ever wondered why you really prefer using the mobile version of a product, over its almost-identical web version? Buckle up for a long read, because UX expert Jared M. Spool has got some answers.
One More Thing
Incredible Project of Social Distanciation Park in Vienna
A space we could all do with.
Roaming in public spaces has never felt more awkward and scary, but an Austrian-based studio shares what a park with self-distancing and solitude at the focus could be like.