Pick of The Week

A Designer's Manifesto.
Things we can all agree on.
Regardless of your title, creative process or favourite tools, there's a couple of things designers can (and should) have in common. And this is a manifesto worth following.
The Best of The Rest

The UIs that changed the way we design
How did we live without them?!
Innovative UIs have a way of fitting so seamlessly into our lives, and become so widespread it becomes tricky to remember how we ever lived before them, so here's a quick history lesson...

Nike’s split-screen You Can’t Stop Us ad perfectly matches old and new footage
Two sides of the same coin.
If you've come across Nike's latest ad, you might realise it feels a bit more relatable than usual, and the folks at It's Nice That share the teams and process overview behind the beautiful spot.

Symbols & Logos Not Approved
Rejected, but not forgotten.
As much as we pour our hearts and souls into a project, reject is often inevitable, but you can either be sour about it or learn from it. This designer picked a different route altogether.

5 Different Paths to Becoming a Designer
Different paths, to the same goal.
Ways of getting a foot in the creative industry are evolving beyond just going to school, and these 5 different professionals shed light on how they built their careers from scratch.
One More Thing

Simulating the YouTube filter bubble.
Ever wondered what a conspiracy theorist's YouTube feed looks like? This YouTube feed simulator helps us better understand how simple recommendations shape our worldview.