Pick of The Week

A comprehensive list of UX design methods & deliverables
There's a method for that.
Expanding on an already-large list from 2016, writer at UX Collective shares an extensive collection of common industry methods and deliverables used to craft UX that just works. Bookmark-worthy.
The Best of The Rest

The Scary Future Of Instagram
The blurring lines of "real life" & marketing.
As more people become aware of the unrealistic lifestyles on IG and dopamine rush, the folks at Growth.Design shed light on something else the platform is creeping up on us, with a UX lens.🔍

Coca-Cola unveils new cans with its iconic logo replaced by personalised 'resolutions'
The sweet taste of new year's resolutions.
With more people than ever hoping for a more positive year - with some form of resolution, Coca-Cola and Amsterdam agency 72andSunny join hands to make them own up to it, right from their cans.

20 Common Words Turned Into Creative Logos
Can you see it 👀?
We're bombarded with corporate logos on a daily basis, and while some are more clever than others, this designer manages to turn common words into what might just be the smartest logos you'll see in a while.

DesignStudio Sydney creates new designs for global digital security brand
A human touch to VPNs.
With a brand new suite of lively and colourful illustrations + a new logo, ExpressVPN does away with the overly 'techy' clichés in its new identity, so you can hide your IP address with some personality.
One More Thing

New World: How creativity, visibility and history can combine to shape the new world
Crafting the "new normal".
In collaboration with Today at Apple and It's Nice That, you're invited to tune into a 12-week programme of hands-on virtual sessions to explore how creativity might just be the key component to that so-called "new normal".