
“Design” in Design Thinking is there to get your attention
Is so-called 'design thinking' really any different from just plain logic?
Check out this article for how simply adding “design” made plain thinking desirable again.

Who’s Afraid of Cheap Logos?
Cheap, automated logos are killing the design industry?
Just like how Spotify is killing the music industry and Kindle is killing the print publishing industry. Or maybe not...

Apple’s Icons Have That Shape for a Very Good Reason
Apples icons are just a rounded square, right? Wrong!
They're much, much more complex than that.

Aaron Draplin: There Is No Battle Plan
If you enjoyed Aaron Draplin's logo design challenge last week, you'll certainly enjoy this article!
Here the pro gives you some advice on building a varied (and successful) creative career.

How To Price a Logo Design
In the world of cheap logos, the big question is how to price your logo designs.
If you don’t ask for enough money for your work, you’ll hate yourself for it later on. So make sure you get it right first time!

Inspect Element for Designers
Inspecting the element always makes you look like you know what you're doing.
Now you can do it in style with this pretty little Chrome extension.

Sketch Runner
Speed up your Sketch workflow.
Stop searching through your menu. Start running commands directly from your keyboard.