
Tech Companies are Teenagers, not Tyrants
The world is ruled by technology.
And maybe this isn't a bad thing! The new titans of the global economy aren’t perfect, but they’re a lot better than the old guard.

The Most Underrated Sentence in UX Design - Marvel Blog
Apparently, UX people love to argue.
But when it comes to answering these questions so frequently argued about, there is one response you will rarely hear.

Inside Susan Kare’s sketchbooks are the makings of Mac’s graphic interfaces
From commands in code to universally understandable icons.
Many of Photoshop and Illustrator's defining icons began here, with Kare's designs for MacPaint.

Lessons Learned From Hearing 1,000 Startup Pitches In One Year
A few words of wisdom from someone who's (almost) heard it all.
"Some start up ideas are decent, some are better, and some are so good, they raise the hair on the back of my neck. About 30% are legitimately ridiculous and don’t have a chance of succeeding."

What UX researchers can learn from Louis Theroux
Let Louis guide you Theroux user interviews.
Everyone can learn from Louis Theroux. We should all try to be like him. In conversations with friends, when meeting new people, and especially in user interviews.

9 tips from Pixar’s CEO
Some tips for inspiration, creativity and business.
Ed Catmull, co-founder, and CEO of Pixar put a few of his bright ideas into a book. This article provides you with a insight to what his book entails.

RatioBuddy - Aspect Ratio Calculator
A happy little tool to help you calculate aspect ratios.
Really cute and useful! What more could you ask for?