Pick of The Week

Haters Gonna Hate: What We Can Learn From Facebook’s 2006 News Feed Redesign
You release a new redesign, everyone hates it...
Or do they? Just because the haters are vocal and the fans seem quiet, that doesn't mean those fans don't exist.
The Best of The Rest

Taking IKEA Out of Its Box and Redesigning It for 1.6B Users
IKEA's websites seem out of date for the modern furniture company.
So, how could they improve these designs in order to attract and keep a younger audience, Millennials, who expect good search results, a clear homepage and a great mobile site?
Your Empathy Toolbox
Ensuring you design a product your users will need.
Empathy is an important part of really ensuring we design products that solve the problems of others, so take a look at these UX research methods to build an understanding of your users.
Design Tools Are Running out of Track
Here’s how we can fix them.
With so much innovation happening within design, it's surprising that design tools are so lacking in innovation. This needs to change! But, how, you ask?
Nachos | Trello
Take a look at Trello's design system.
This comprehensive guide and resource library contains everything you could ever want to know (about their design, not about life, sorry).
One More Thing

Marvin Visions - A Typeface with Character
Inspired by science fiction.
A more modern and consistent reinterpretation of the classic sci-fi font, Marvin. With character, life and versatility, this is a great font - and, even better, it's free!