Pick of The Week

How to Work with Assholes: A Survivor’s Guide
The title pretty much says it all.
Robert Sutton is "the world’s leading authority on assholes in the workplace", and he wrote a book, The Asshole Survival Guide, to help us all deal with those certain people in the workplace.
The Best of The Rest

Brand New: New Identity for eBay by Form&
Old eBay, we Bid you Adieu.
eBay has a new look, but does it really work? Cast your mind back to that fun, weird logo the company used to have and compare it to the professional, slick look of the new logo.
Redesigning Adobe’s File Type Icon System Language
Adobe has more than 100 products and services.
This means there has to be a consistent look and style over those products, even for things you may not think about at first, like the file type icons — see how the design team updated these icons with the newest release of Creative Cloud.
The Subtle Art that Differentiates Good Designers from Great Designers
It seems like an impossible task to take that step from good to great.
It’s head versus heart that allows us to differentiate between perfect and defective and bringing that subtle difference into your designs is what separates a great designer from a good designer. Here's some tips to help you become great.
Why Whatsapp’s Design Makes it the Best Instant Messenger
People love their messaging apps like their hometown sports teams.
And to fuel this argument over which messaging app is king, here's an argument that it's Whatapp that's the real winner — with some very convincing points.
One More Thing

10 Halloween Costumes only People in Tech will Understand
Lacking inspiration for your Halloween costume?
Here's some very tech-specific ideas which will hopefully make you chuckle in this gloomy, spooky season.