Pick of The Week

The IA, Patterns, and Flows of YouTube
YouTube is a place where education, entertainment, and music meet...
But it's also much more than that. YouTube also has some incredible IA, design patterns, and flows meaning users get what they need whilst enjoying themselves.
The Best of The Rest

Designing a Font From Scratch — And Submitting it to Google Fonts in 24 Hours
A race against time...
Can you create an entirely new font, from scratch, in just a short 24 hours? It may sound like a fairly impossible task, but read as one man attempts to do it!
A Better Way to Find Roommates
Finding roommates is a scary task.
What if they're too loud? Or too quiet? Or just generally a bit weird? Take a look at the process of designing Covalent, an app which aims to solve the problem of trying to find someone to live with.
Subverted Design
Who matters more — the user or the client?
And when asking this question, check priorities lie and if they're based on making the experience as best as it can for the users or based on how much money can be made...
No Clients, No Limits, No Deadlines
Welcome to the hell of redesigning your own website!
The only project that doesn’t end with an invoice... The creative freedom can be a blessing, but it also can be a curse.
One More Thing

The Starving Artist Concept
Create because you want to create.
Not because of the huge amounts of money you'll make being creative... Okay fine, fat bank account or not, here are six ways to keep the creativity coming!