Pick of The Week

Yes, You Should Delete Facebook
Does Facebook have too much power over our lives?
With creepy ads that make you feel like it's listening, a news feed that reduces the need to actually talk to friends and the ability to make us afraid to leave — surely it seems like common sense to delete Facebook?
The Best of The Rest

Brutalist Design is the Bad Influence we all Need
Everything is a copy, of a copy, of a copy.
Meaning the mainstream current of graphic work is becoming repetitively bland and a copy of everyone else's. So, how can brutalism solve all our problems?
The Hawaii Missile Alert Culprit: Poorly Chosen File Names
You can see how it might be easy to accidentally select the wrong one with such similar names. But with one file having he ability to send a message to every mobile phone in Hawaii, this mistake should not be so easy to make!
Buttons Shouldn't Have a Hand Cursor Part 2
We already know that a hand cursor is a no-no for buttons.
(Or if you don't, check that article too!) But where did that hand cursor first come from? Are conventions on the Web different to the OS? Have things changed? How does all of this affect users?
How to Figure Out if Your Product Actually Solves Problems
So you have a great idea for a product you want to make.
But are you making it because you think it would be a great thing to build or because it would meet proven user needs? Here's how to avoid making assumptions...
One More Thing

Bottts — Robot Illustrations Sketch Library
A few weeks ago we gave you Avataaars...
The time has come for the bots to take over. Combine frames, antennas, sensors, accessories, and colors to create your perfect robot pal.