Pick of The Week

A Typography Workshop
You won't just look at the font and immediately know what to do to it.
Yet the corrections start pouring: “This typeface doesn’t have the right weight”, “This title should be uppercase”, “The character spacing is wrong”. If you're unsure of the technical side of typography, this is for you...
The Best of The Rest

Here’s How Designers Would Fix Amazon
Amazon can often feel impersonal.
Nudging our behaviors toward end goals that belong to Amazon or its partners, Amazon could do with a bit of a redesign. Here are some examples of a more transparent, trusted, and even human service.
How to Make a Progress Bar Symbol in Sketch That Actually Lets You Resize the Progress Bar
Symbols in Sketch are great.
Unfortunately, you’re limited by what you can edit with overrides. Sure, you can always create multiple progress bar symbols of varying widths and use them as overrides, but what’s the fun in that?!
New Logo for Rotten Tomatoes by Pentagram
Rotten Tomatoes' logo has felt a bit outdated for a while.
The old logo was far too much like a Nickelodeon show and being that it’s now used as a key metric in movie promotion it was too unpolished. It was about time for a redesign.
Struggling to find exactly the right font?
With Unique you get just what you need – a custom font ready for use! Simply select, customise and off you go! It’s that easy.
One More Thing

It’s Too Long/Boring To Read All Terms of Your Social Apps
How long would the 'terms of service' be if printed out on A4 paper?
From leading online services such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Tinder, the answer turns out to be 'very long'.