Pick of The Week

Product Strategy Means Saying No
Adding every single feature possibly isn't going to make your product perfect.
Instead, it will create a mish-mash product that doesn't know what it's actually supposed to do. So, when should you say 'no' when it seems 'yes' is the right answer?
The Best of The Rest

The Most Hated UI & UX Pattern of 2018
We hear so much about the 'best' design patterns.
But what about the worst ones? From Comic Sans to Norman’s Door, here are the The Most Hated UI & UX Pattern of 2018.
Designing Google Maps for Motorbikes
Google Maps was designed for cars.
So users that are drivers of "two-wheelers" don't get the experience they deserve when using Google Maps, be it voice navigation, custom routes or shortcuts.
The Mythology of Design
Myths have the magical ability to transcend culture and era.
Design and myths may seem like completely unrelated subjects, but they both have the ability to sculpt and be sculpted by the culture they are in.
Brand New: New Logo and Identity for LNER by Brand Cooke
Virgin Trains East Coast is such a recognisable brand.
But this is the end. Virgin no longer owns the line as now it rides again under ownership of UK’s Department for Transport, and with it comes a rebrand.
One More Thing

Hero Patterns
SVG is a great way to use graphics on the internet.
So what better than a collection of SVG background patterns for you to use on your website — and guess what?! They're free!