
Apple Inc: A Pre-Mortem
Are Apple's days numbered? If you ask this author, yes, yes they are.
To be honest, it's not hard to see why. Instead of focusing on innovation, they're all now about profit. Scared to make revolutionary changes to existing paradigms and products, for fear of upsetting the cashflow.

Your Body Text Is Too Small
Fit it all on the page! No scrolling otherwise people won't read! Right? Right?!
Wrong, scrolling is integral to the web experience. People expect it, and are attuned to it. Read this and stop cramming content in.

Too Fast To Think: Why Switching off Unlocks Creativity
No, it's not just a good excuse to tell your boss, it really works!
Your subconscious is beavering away trying to solve that problem while your conscious mind does nothing. It's kind of like that phrase 'A fresh pair of eyes', but with yours.

Startup Idea Matrix
Want to build a startup, but don't have an idea?
Look at his startup matrix - anywhere there's a gap, is something you can fill, with enough imagination...

Noizio – Ambient Sound Equalizer
Tired of hearing Game of Thrones spoilers in your office?
But don't necessarily want to pump banging tunes into your ears? Enter Noizio, a simple app that can mix with music or system sounds to transport you to an ambient wonderland.

Duotone Image Filters in CSS
No more two-color Photoshop gradients, and precious minutes wasted editing
Well, it won't work in IE, but I mean, what does, and who cares? There is a polyfill on it's way too! But get great imagery, and look like your 2 tone Spotify dreams.