Pick of The Week

The Power of “I Don’t Know” in Product Design
"The user would want it like this..."
If you base your solutions upon assumptions, you may end up completely off course. It's an easy enough mistake to make, but even easier to avoid.
The Best of The Rest

Move Over, UX. A New Movement is Here.
90s websites were ugly and clumsy.
Then UX changed the way we design, and brought the customer to the forefront of our designs. And now, it's time for UX to shuffle up a bit and make space for something new...
New Logo and Packaging for Carlsberg
Subtlety is key to this redesign.
Many might not notice the difference, but the small changes give the 100+ year old logo a more modern and refined feeling. And take a look at the plastic-less 6 pack!
Advanced effects with CSS background blend modes – LogRocket
If a picture is worth a thousand words...
Then blending two pictures together must be worth many times that. And lucky for you, blend modes don't have to just be restricted to Photoshop!
ColorBox by Lyft Design
Building colour systems for accessible UIs that scale.
This tool allows you to check the accessibility of your colour palettes whilst creating them. Play around with hue, saturation and luminosity and test different colours.
One More Thing

If Modern Internet Companies Existed in 1970s - Early 1990s
These retro logos will bring a smile to your face.
Inspired by the great work of Sullivan & Marks, Robert Abel & Associates, Computer Image Corporation and various other Early CG/Scanimate companies.