
3 Placemaking Lessons From the Magic Kingdom
UX designers need to know about placemaking, and Disneyland is a great example to learn from
Also - DISNEYLAND WOOO! So exciting! But seriously, they are pioneering people movement, and the understanding of a large and complex system. The visitors have a goal, and Disneyland do too! Money! Getting people to, on, and off the rides!

Sketch 43 is coming to town with a new game. An open file format!
Stay with me - I know this sounds boring a code-y but it will be cool.
So the file format basically means the Sketch file is a JSON array boring bit done. That means you can generate sketch files on the fly. Want to accurately convert a sketch file to a website? Done. Want to output a stylesheet of fonts and colours? Done. Sketch, you occupy our dreams.

When Will Apple Wow Us Again?
Be more like Nintendo, Apple.
Apple has $230 billion dollars of cash on hand, but the most innovation we've seen recently was the removal of a 3.5mm headphone jack on their iPhone 7 - basically the same iPhone as the 6s and 6 before it. I'm bored Apple, give me a switch!

Did Snapchat succeed because of its controversial UI?
"Some designers resent its success because it doesn’t follow patterns we were taught to follow"
But is it worth $28 billion dollars… Apparently. Darn Millennials. Also, did you know it did live video calling?! I'm 22, so I guess I'm too old to be inducted into the cult of snap.

A Look into Navigation in Web Design
Navigation, what do you want to use?
Hamburger? List? Plain? Hidden? Hybrid? Taxonomy-based? I mean... wow. Such navigation, so little time.

Discover the worlds finest logos, symbols and trademarks.
Want inspiration for your new logo? Hey, perhaps you can even get yours featured! All logos, from right across history, sorted by letter, shape, and number. Go check it out for yourself.