
Design in Tech Report 2017
Designers, you're still in demand! +65% apparently!
The future of design is digital, especially in startups. Ever wondered how startups prioritise design? Or what tools they are using? Read on!

Iteration is not design
To mistake the design tool of iteration for design itself is a grave error.
What?! But surely if we just carry on doing this over and over and over and over again, eventually something will be designed properly?

Don’t Accelerate your Startup!
I mean, unless all you want from your life is to be Zuckerburg or Kalanick...
Otherwise, why sign % of your company, and more importantly, years of your life to something you have no guarantee will be successful?

These Failed Apps Discovered a Hidden Rule of the Web
They flock to you for the anonymous bitching...
Then you try to make them accountable for it, and the exodus commences. The glory days of Yik Yak are no more, and its 'pivot' to be a non-anonymous college course collaboration chat app makes us yawn.

Why your business needs design-led innovation
Design-thinking is not just making something look pretty...
It's considering a problem, designing a solution, and testing it. To truly innovate, we must design solutions, not simply throw something new, untested, and unconsidered into the world.

Get it?! It's like, colours, but really damn coooooool. Ah, puns.
This is a really nice, clean, and bouncy little tool that works like Adobe Kuler... But nicer... In all of the ways. Check it out!