
Make War, Not Interfaces
Product Design is a lot like warfare.
Users are the enemy. Like Clone Troopers straight out of Episode II, they are legion. Their numbers are seemingly without end.

Send Me Problems, Not Wireframes
Wireframes are the infrastructure of a product.
And when a client comes to you thinking they know exactly what they want and ask for you to help make it beautiful and prepare the files for the developers, it's usually a big turn off.

Designing the Horrific and Hilarious Multiverse of Rick and Morty
“It’s a process of baby-making”
M-M-Morty, ever wondered how -burp- ever wondered how the worlds and aliens of Rick and Morty come to be?

An Interaction Designer Books a Holiday
Holidays can be stressful.
But before you've even booked your holiday, poor interactions, bad usability, and dark patterns employed on various travel, airline, and accommodation sites are piling the stress on!

This Will Make You a Sketch Layer Merging Pro
The days of quick-fix faked negative space are over.
Never understand what the heck is going on with merged layers? This article is for you!

8 Critical Shortcuts in Sketch
Want to work smarter and faster than everyone else?
Of course you do. Here's how to master the 8 most important Sketch shortcuts so you can improve your entire workflow — and your end results.

Chain - Dynamic Colour Relations in Skech
Change the hue, saturation, brightness or alpha of multiple layers.
An awesome little tool that allows you to simply select the layers to chain, the reference colour and the transformations you want to apply. Nice!

Gradient days aren't over!
A lovely tool with customisable gradients - as simple as that. Create, modify, grab gradients!