
Top 3 UI Techniques That Users Hate Most
Some techniques simply don't work.
Most of the time, anyway. They can have great potential if implemented correctly, but sadly, that rarely happens.

Above The Fold is a Myth
Everybody scrolls.
A number of articles from a range of great sources on why the page fold should not control the way you design. It's not 1997 anymore!

Visual Sugar
How do you make anything taste better? Just add sugar.
How do you make any design better? Just add sugar. Visual sugar. Designers have learned this trick from the food industry and here's why they should stop abusing it.

Red, White, and Blue
Colour does not add a pleasant quality to design — it reinforces it.
Eight rules about colour palettes that everyone (including non-designers) should know.

Don’t Mistake Common UI Patterns for Best Practices
Browsing can often be stressful and overwhelming.
We don’t know exactly what we’re looking for, and yet, we know it when we see it. It’s the thrill of the hunt. Or, at least, it should be.

Pattern Variations
Patterns can be designed for flexibility.
Pattern-driven design doesn't have to force teams to use a finite, rigid set of components that stifles creativity. Just make sure you don't design the system that way!

Freehand by InVision
Design better, faster—together.
Freehand is a new way to creatively collaborate in InVision, with intuitive tools—like Draw, Write, Sketch, and Comment—and functionality that make joining in easy and fun!

Looper 2.0
AKA Spirograph for Sketch.
Build beautiful patterns and illustrations, the way you want. Control every single detail when you duplicate layers or groups.